कपटी दुर्योधन ने शल्य को अपने साथ कैसे किया था? | Mahabharat | B R Chopra | EP - 69 | Pen Bhakti

Описание к видео कपटी दुर्योधन ने शल्य को अपने साथ कैसे किया था? | Mahabharat | B R Chopra | EP - 69 | Pen Bhakti

कपटी दुर्योधन ने शल्य को अपने साथ कैसे किया था? | Mahabharat | B R Chopra | EP - 69 | Pen Bhakti

All the warriors except Balaram and Rukhmi (Rukmani’s brother) move towards the battlefield. Balaram remains neutral and both parties deny Rukhmi’s help. Duryodhan tricks Salya into joining the Kaurava army. Salya becomes Karna’s charioteer; though his blessings are with the Pandavas. Gandhari is unhappy that Shakuni and Karna encourage uryodhan to war against the Pandavas. She wants to seek Krishna’s help in protecting her sons, but Dhritrashtra stops her.

Mahabharat is an Indian television series based on the Hindu epic.

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Watch only on PEN Bhakti Channel and Don't forget to share & subscribe.

Produced & Directed By – B.R. Chopra
Music Composer – Raj Kamal
Script – Rahi Masoom Raza
Presented By - PEN Studios

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