Effective Technique to Practice Self Awareness

Описание к видео Effective Technique to Practice Self Awareness

One of the most effective things you can do to practice self-awareness is to know what others think about you. Other people's opinions of you are often very different from your opinion of yourself.

Now, you can't just call people up and ask “What do you think about me?” That’s not going to work. You need to put a little bit more thought into this. You will want to encourage people to give you constructive feedback.

Once you collect this information, you can compare it to your list of how you think about yourself. This will help you assess yourself and improve on the areas you are struggling with.

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Jacob Morgan is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and futurist. He explores how the world of work is changing, what the future of work is going to look like, and we need to do to prepare. To work with Jacob or have him speak at your event visit TheFutureOrganization.com


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