Woodcut printmaker Rod Nelson explains how to sharpen and grind woodcutting tools.

Описание к видео Woodcut printmaker Rod Nelson explains how to sharpen and grind woodcutting tools.

Taken from the video 'Making Woodblock Prints with Merlyn Chesterman and Rod Nelson' Rod explains how to keep your tools sharp with regular sharpening while working. He also explains how and why you also need to grind a new edge for your tools periodically. 'Making Woodblock Prints with

'Making Woodblock Prints' gives a solid foundation to the art of woodblock printmaking, the techniques involved, inspiring ideas for making prints and goes on to explore more advanced printing techniques.

Both Rod and Merlyn have extensive knowledge of woodblock printmaking and exhibit their work widely both at home and abroad. They teach woodblock printmaking at West Dean College.

You can buy the DVD or download from the Artisan Media Shop at artisanmasterclass.com or artisanmasterclass.co.uk


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