Inclusive & sustainable industrial development

Описание к видео Inclusive & sustainable industrial development

The global community finds itself at a critical juncture today. While poverty is still the central challenge of our world, we now effectively have the means to eradicate poverty within the next generation.

Poverty is a complex phenomenon with many dimensions that go far beyond low income levels. Finding the right responses in each context thus requires concerted efforts across the spectrum of development cooperation, so as to achieve better livelihoods for the poor. This is what the new sustainable development agenda currently being formulated to succeed the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has to live up to. It has to present a clear roadmap for eradicating poverty in its full multidimensional context of economic deprivation, social inequality and environmental degradation.

So where do we stand today? Fortunately, there are many good examples to build on and success stories to share. Many countries have reached higher development levels in all dimensions -- economic, social and environmental -- for the benefit of their people. Read more here


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