Space Oddity / David Bowie ( Cover Lady Jazz'n Blues )

Описание к видео Space Oddity / David Bowie ( Cover Lady Jazz'n Blues )

   / @ladyjazznblues4478  
Christophe à la guitare
Christine au clavier et au chant des deux voix
ParolesGround Control to Major TomGround Control to Major TomTake your protein pills and put your helmet onGround Control to Major Tom (ten, nine, eight, seven, six)Commencing countdown, engines on (five, four, three, two)Check ignition and may God's love be with you (one, lift off)This is Ground Control to Major TomYou've really made the gradeAnd the papers want to know whose shirts you wearNow it's time to leave the capsule if you dareThis is Major Tom to Ground ControlI'm stepping through the doorAnd I'm floating in a most peculiar wayAnd the stars look very different todayFor hereAm I sitting in a tin canFar above the worldPlanet Earth is blueAnd there's nothing I can doThough I'm past one hundred thousand milesI'm feeling very stillAnd I think my spaceship knows which way to goTell my wife I love her very much she knowsGround Control to Major TomYour circuit's dead, there's something wrongCan you hear me, Major Tom?Can you hear me, Major Tom?Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you-Here am I floating 'round my tin canFar above the moonPlanet Earth is blueAnd there's nothing I can do

"Space Oddity" raconte l'histoire d'une mission spatiale qui tourne mal. Dans la chanson, Major Tom perd le contrôle de son vaisseau, décroche et se retrouve à errer dans l'espace. David Bowie dira que l'homme qui a choisi le titre pour la BBC ne l'avait probablement pas écouté jusqu'à la fin....28 juin 2019


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