Fundamentals of Participatory Planning and Design: Core Concepts and Ideas

Описание к видео Fundamentals of Participatory Planning and Design: Core Concepts and Ideas

TM7. Participatory Planning: transdisciplinarity in planning processes (Session 7.1)
Participatory planning or community-based planning was initially a movement and later a methodology that emphasized the importance of involving local communities in the planning and decision-making process.
In this context, the lecture "Fundamentals of Participatory Planning and Design: Core Concepts and Ideas" will attempt to provide an introduction to the concept of participatory design in order to help students acquire the relevant knowledge and skills. The presentation will be structured in three parts: (a) first, students will become familiar with the basic concepts as they have evolved throughout history; (b) they will begin to understand the relationship between urban policies and urban development and how participatory processes have been integrated; (c) they will become familiar with international examples where participatory practices have been used; (d) finally, they will understand how the concept of participatory planning and design is used today through recent examples and practices.
InPlanEd is an Erasmus+ project in the field of higher education, led by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) with the participation of the University of Cyprus, commonspace, AESOP, and Noumena as partners.
Its main objective is the development, pilot implementation, and evaluation of innovative educational methods, tools, and materials towards an integrated approach to planning that holistically considers urban design, urban mobility, participatory planning, and evidence-based design.

For more information, visit the website of the project:
And the social media pages of InPlanEd:
  / inplaned  
  / inplaned  

The InPlanEd project is co-founded by the European Union and the Greek State Scholarships Foundation under the grant agreement No. 2022-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000089374

#UrbanPlanning, #UrbanDesign, #IntegratedPlanning, #PlanningCourse, #Cites4People, #InclusiveCities, #SustainableMobility, #ClimateResilience, #ParticipatoryPlanning, #EvidenceBasedDesign, #CPD, #InPlanEd_EU, #InPlanEd, #EramusPlus


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