Tascam Midistudio 688 - Complete Beginner's Recording Guide 2022

Описание к видео Tascam Midistudio 688 - Complete Beginner's Recording Guide 2022

Dear Tascam 688 and Tascam 644 user.

Congratulations on your purchase. The 688 and 644 are fine machines and considered to be the zenith of multitrack cassette recorders.

Unfortunately such an amazing machine as the one you are sitting beside comes with a hidden price.

Its complicated. Very complicated indeed.
But have no fear.

In this video tutorial I repeat myself many times with several of the steps contained. I am doing my best to be very explicit with my explaining each concept to the best of my ability, but most importantly, to the best of YOUR ability.

I point, I raise my voice and I talk to the Tascam 688 directly at times. Do not be alarmed. There is a reason for this.

To many of you all of this this will be very annoying.
But hold on.

I was once just like you. I got this thing home and was overwhelmed and discouraged just like you. The Tascam Midistudio 688 was extremely difficult to learn how to use even with the manual and pre existing tutorials handy because many of the people who learned this machine and then subsequently posted their tutorials online...
unfortunately assumed their audience were geniuses like them.
This is not their fault mind you. They just didn't factor in that one such person in their audience (me)

was a moron.

When I watched these tutorials I found myself desiring these steps to be ingrained in memory by way of my teacher assuming I was a moron or (ignorant of the entire concept) and not a genius like them.

This would have helped my greatly.

Mind you, I'm Not calling YOU a moron per say but I WAS a moron when I first met the Tascam 688.

However, learning the Tascam through trial and error has now made me a genius!

I discovered a totally new method of recording with the Tascam 688 via use of inputs 9 and 10 as auxiliary inputs.

This method is exactly what I will be teaching you here. Nothing more and nothing less.

But unlike all the other geniuses on here with their tutorials...Im assuming you are a moron
(just the same as I once was) and not a genius like me now.

This enables me to to teach you correctly and successfully turn you all into Tascam 688 geniuses that will one day teach a moron like me how to use it MUCH MUCH better.

Got it?

So you've scored a Tascam Midistudio 688 from Ebay or Gumtree and got it home in once piece. Great! Now all you have to do is figure out how to work the damn thing.

This guide is a by far the fastest and most current method for getting started recording your first masterpiece the first night your 688 or 644 arrives!
In this video I demonstrate recording 4 stereo tracks (8 tracks total) into the Tascam 688. But you can use ANY audio source for your recordings! I hope you enjoy this tutorial and if you have any questions or comments please leave them in the comment section. Also feel free to join my channel for more interesting audio related content!


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