College of Saint Benedict Commencement Address - Alyssa Mastromonaco

Описание к видео College of Saint Benedict Commencement Address - Alyssa Mastromonaco

As the youngest woman ever to be Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations at the White House, Alyssa Mastromonaco certainly has some amazing stories to tell. After all, you’re talking about “the” person who had the power to decide who gets to see the president of the United States, and when. In her New York Times best-selling book Who Thought This Was a Good Idea?, Mastromonaco paints an intimate portrait of a president, shares how to get stuff done, and opens up about how one woman challenged, again and again, what a "White House official" is supposed to look like. Alyssa was more than a Presidential gatekeeper. She was the person responsible for running and managing the whole 18-acre White House compound – including the 1,700+ employees in the Executive branch - ensuring that the entire department ran smoothly, even when the rest of the government did not. Through her tenacity, ingenuity and sheer determination, Alyssa instituted an array of new strategies and processes that kept the White House up and running efficiently throughout a ceaseless series of budget cuts, international crises and even a government shutdown.

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