Activities (Super Top - Turbo Top)

Описание к видео Activities (Super Top - Turbo Top)

Hello Everybody,

Another "99 cent store" find today. It's a top! What could be simpler than that? The answer is, me! I am simpler than a 99 cent top. Or even a $1.49 top as we have today.

Drama is a result of conflict and in this video there is quite a bit of it. Conflict between me and the top, between me and my patience and between me and the good sense to stop making these retched activity videos. Fortunately, good sense did not win out and this video is complete as it ever will be.

I've yet to master (or even be accomplished at) manipulating these objects in front of the camera rather than to the side. I will work on this. Sorry. Also, I will spend more time on my nails first as there is a dirty thumbnail which I must apologize for.

As always, I thank you for watching and reading these submissions. Appreciations are not extended to those doing so because they work for the NSA etc.

See you all next tim!

Peace, love and kitties,

Rev. Jay


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