Insulin, carbohydrates and the IGF-1 pathway’s role in cancer and aging | Peter Attia

Описание к видео Insulin, carbohydrates and the IGF-1 pathway’s role in cancer and aging | Peter Attia

A healthy immune system allows the body to fight bacterial and viral infections, as well as aberrant cells, which, left unchecked can progress to cancer. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) has some beneficial functions but is also known to promote the growth of existing cancer cells. IGF-1 levels in humans increase with carbohydrate and protein intake. It is essential to keep the IGF-1 pathway in check to limit the proliferation of cancerous cells. In this clip, Dr. Peter Attia explains the complex relationship that exists between cancer cells, the immune system, and IGF-1.

This clip was taken from the FoundMyFitness interview with Dr. Peter Attia found at    • Peter Attia, M.D. on Macronutrient Th...  

Original episode published on Mar 14, 2016 🧠 #Alzheimers #Microbiome #Cancer 🧫


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