Tips for using pyramid tarp tents in snow

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Pyramid style, floorless tents have some advantages over standard double-walled floored tents when it comes to snow camping and multi day ski trips. Let's learn from some expert backcountry skiers who have hundreds of combined nights sleeping in this set up.

The expertise and photos here (shared with permission) come from Graybird Guiding, a Seattle WA based guide company that not only leads some sweet ski trips, but also has an Instagram full of solid advice. Connect with them at and on Instagram, @graybirdguiding. (Check out their hashtag #sknowmore for specific backcountry ski tips.)

What's great about pyramid tents in snow?

Lighter weight with larger floor area and more interior space.
You can customize it for space and comfort, like digging a footwell for legroom, or using the slope of the hill as a backrest.
Floorless, so no more sleeping in a puddle of accumulated meltwater.
Better climate control: Lift up the bottom a bit if you need some ventilation, or bunker down from a storm by putting snow blocks on the outside.
If you rig it as shown below with ski poles, there's no center pole, which saves some weight and gives you even more space inside.
Because of the extra space and ventilation, it's safer and more convenient to cook inside your tent (even though this is still probably against manufacturer recommendations.) This makes a pyramid tent a popular choice for expedition climbing, like on Denali.\
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