The European Commission proposes a new EU4Health programme. Stella Kyriakides, Health Commissioner

Описание к видео The European Commission proposes a new EU4Health programme. Stella Kyriakides, Health Commissioner

How will non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, be addressed in the new programme? #eudebates #Covid_19 #coronavirus #Corona #COVD19 #Health #COVID #vaccine #RapidTests #Testing #COVIDtests #COVIDtest #EU4Health

Slashed EU4Health budget will undermine cancer plan, MEPs say

Non-communicable and life style related diseases are among the biggest challenges facing EU health systems. Non-communicable diseases as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes, represent major causes of disability, ill-health, health-related retirement, and premature death in the Union, resulting in considerable social and economic costs.

To decrease the impact of non-communicable diseases on individuals and society and to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by one third by 2030, it is key to focus on prevention, combined with efforts to strengthen health systems. EU4Health will support disease prevention (including screening and early diagnosis) and health promotion programmes in Member States.

The EU Reference Networks (ERNs) for rare, low prevalence and complex diseases, will be expanded to cover other rare non-communicable as well as infectious diseases, allowing medical knowledge and expertise to travel rather than the patients.

When will the EU4Health funding become available? Does it respond to the current Coronavirus crisis?

The EU4Health programme covers the period 2021-2027. It takes into account the lessons learnt and gaps revealed by the crisis to date, and will put in place structural changes to better prepare the EU for further health challenges. Once the proposal is adopted by Member States and the European Parliament, the intention is to start launching specific actions under EU4Health as of 1 January 2021. There will be a significant focus on action in the early years of the programme, in particular on crisis management.

Does EU4Healthrespect Member States' competence in health?

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that better coordination and cooperation are needed between EU Member States in times of crises. EU4Health will work with Member States, respecting the division of competences in health policy set out in Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), and drawing on existing cooperation mechanisms, focusing on strategic and cross-border aspects. Under Article 168 TFEU, the Union is to complement and support national health policies, encourage cooperation between Member States and promote the coordination between their programmes. This should take place in full respect of the responsibilities of the Member States to define their health policies and to organise and deliver health services and medical care.

How will EU4Health be implemented and what will be the role of EU agencies?

EU4Health will be implemented by Member States, non-governmental and international organisations who can apply for EU funding in the form of grants, prizes and procurement as well as through indirect management by the European Commission and EU executive agencies.

The EU agencies, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), have a key role to play in Europe's defence against serious cross border health threats and pandemics, both on the prevention and on the crisis management front. The programme's actions will complement and enhance the work of these EU Agencies.

Will the Commission continue to provide health funding through the European Social Fund+ and other EU funds?

With the adoption of the EU4Health programme, the Commission is adapting its proposal for the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), fully integrating its health strand into the EU4Health Programme.

Whilst the EU4Health is the most ambitious health programme ever, important investments in health in the next long-term budget will also be made through other funding instruments working in synergy with EU4Health:

the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) to support vulnerable groups in accessing healthcare;
the European Regional and Development Fund to improve regional health infrastructure;
Horizon Europe for health research and innovation;
rescEU to create stockpiles for emergency medical supplies, and
the Digital Europe Programme for creating the digital infrastructure needed for digital health tools.
Working across programmes, and having shared objectives between policies will be key. #eudebates


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