How To Use LinkedIn To Build An Email List Fast and Free

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How To Use LinkedIn To Build An Email List Fast and Free

Email marketing has a return on investment (ROI) of $36 for every $1 spent (ConstantContact) so if you are looking for ways to get the most bang for your marketing buck, email should be at the top of your list.

How do you create an email marketing list of qualified prospects?

Some might consider spending thousands of dollars buying a list from some shady organization. But you never know where those names come from. Worst, where did they get the list? The quality of that kind of list is questionable at best.

What if there was a way to use LinkedIn to create an email marketing list? And what if you could do it for free? And fast?

That's what we are going to cover today

and by the end of this article, you will have a plan for building an email list from LinkedIn.

Let's assemble the raw materials.

The first thing you're going to need is a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a piece of digital collateral that teaches your prospects. Something related to what you do. Your prospects will give you their email address in exchange for this lead magnet.

A lead magnet could be a PDF, a checklist, a video lesson, a free workshop, or anything that will give them a small transformation or result and a taste of what it's like to work with you.

So spend some time and create a lead magnet. If you'd like to make this happen quickly, I recommend creating a checklist. For example, if you were a travel agent, you could create a checklist of essential things to pack for a trip that everyone forgets.

Once you have that lead magnet, you can move on to the next step.

Create a cool image of your lead magnet.

We will create LinkedIn content promoting your lead magnet, but you will need an image to go along with that content.

I recommend using a simple graphics program, like Canva, to create a graphic representation of your lead magnet.

That way, you can use this image whenever you create a post that promotes your lead magnet.

Write a LinkedIn post promoting your lead magnet.

What time is come to start promoting your lead magnet and collecting email addresses.

Write a simple LinkedIn post about the benefits of grabbing your lead magnet.

Keep it high-level and "sell" the lead magnet.

There's no need to do anything fancy here. You simply need to write a post that says that you've got a checklist, video, or PDF, it's going to give them some information and they will get a result from it.

Give a call to action.

Here's where you collect the email address. At the end of your LinkedIn post, direct people to send you a message if they would like the checklist. When they send you a message, ask for their email address so you can send them the checklist.

We also want to be super respectful here, so ask them if you can. Also, email them additional training, advice, or guidance.

User your email list to help people.

As you build your email list, be generous with the information that you shared with the people on the list. Send them additional pure-value emails that help them in what they do.

In every email that you send, make a simple offer, like an opportunity to get on a strategy session with yo

You will find your email list grows with your perfect prospects, it grows quickly, and you'll be able to use it to grow your businesu.

An invitation to work with me for free for 7 days.

If you found value in this content and you would like to work with me for free for seven days on your social media marketing, please visit and watch my free on-demand workshop.

In the workshop, I tell you how you can sign up to work with me for free for seven days. It's easy and there are no obligations. I look forward to seeing you in the workshop.

Learn how to get clients using social media posts at

Connect with me on social, search for "chris prouty"

Testimonials found on this website are actual client reviews of Christopher Prouty and Nine Twice, Inc. Prospective clients may not obtain the same or similar results. The information contained on this website is intended for general informational purposes only.

Video hashtags: #linkedinmarketing #linkedinstrategy #linkedintutorial


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