Fry Bread - Week 26 - Toast Time

Описание к видео Fry Bread - Week 26 - Toast Time


52 Week Calendar:

Back in 1864, the Navajo people were forced from their homeland on a brutal journey known as the "Long Walk." Arriving at their new location in New Mexico, they faced a harsh reality: the land wasn't suited for growing their traditional crops.

The U.S. government, in an attempt to prevent starvation, provided rations that included unfamiliar ingredients like flour, sugar, and lard.

Necessity being the mother of invention, the Navajo people got creative. They used these rations to whip up fry bread, a deep-fried dough that became a crucial source of sustenance during a challenging time.

But fry bread's story doesn't end there. It transcended its origins as survival food and became a beloved staple. Today, fry bread is a common sight at powwows and celebrations, a golden-fried ambassador of Navajo ingenuity. From simple versions dusted with sugar to savory "Nava tacos" piled high with goodies, fry bread offers endless possibilities.

Each bite is not just delicious, it's a reminder of the Navajo people's resilience and a tasty connection to their unique history.


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