Guard Your Eyes: Help Another Father Reclaim Life's Precious Moments

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Our Mission

Countless frum men struggle with inappropriate internet habits. They try to stop on their own, but can't. GuardYourEyes empowers struggling individuals seeking to break free from inappropriate internet habits by equipping them with proven tools for success at

Our Goal

This year, we're raising $1 million to expand our reach and deepen our impact. Our goal is to help 25,000 new individuals reclaim their lives from addiction while enhancing support for the tens of thousands of existing members. This campaign is crucial. It presents both an incredible opportunity and a profound responsibility, with so many lives hanging in the balance.

Donate today to help mend marriages, restore families,

and guide individuals toward a brighter and healthier future.

Special Gift

Donate $250 or more and receive a free copy of "Breaking Free" - a groundbreaking new book by veteran therapist R' Shaya Ostrov. This book offers a Torah-based program to escape the prison of digital and media-driven addictions and is endorsed by leading Rabbanim. If you prefer, we'll give you one of our other books instead: "The Win-Win Marriage" by GYE co-founder Yechezkel Stelzer, or "From Boys To Men" by Dr. Shlomie Zimmerman.

Endorsed by Leading Rabbonim and Therapists

Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky - Rosh Yeshiva, Talmudical Yeshiva, Philadelphia
Dr. David Pelcovitz - Professor of Education & Psychology, YU
Rabbi Aharon Feldman - Mo'etzes Gedolei HaTorah of America
Rabbi Abraham J. Twersky, MD - Founder of Gateway Rehab
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger - Rav of Cong. Aish Kodesh, Five Towns
Rabbi Elya Brudny - Rosh Yeshiva, Mir, Brooklyn
Rabbi Yosef Elefant - Magid Shiur, Mir, Jerusalem
Rabbi Yeruchem Olshin - Rosh Yeshiva, BMG, Lakewood
Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier - Director of
Rabbi Eli Mansour - Rav of Congregation Bet Yaakob, Brooklyn
Rabbi Mendel Kessin - Psychologist & Lecturer
Rabbi Mordechai Willig - Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman - Rosh Yeshiva, Torah Vadaas, Brooklyn
Rabbi Hershel Schachter - Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel - Executive Vice-President of Agudath Israel of America
Dr. David Leiberman - Psychologist & Speaker


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