Stress Urinary Incontinence | Leakage of Urine | Stress Incontinence - Manipal Hospitals

Описание к видео Stress Urinary Incontinence | Leakage of Urine | Stress Incontinence - Manipal Hospitals

This video is an informative animated presentation that explains in detail about Urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine. Your doctor may recommend surgery for this common problem if less invasive therapies fail to improve your symptoms. In an open abdominal bladder suspension your surgeon will begin by making an incision in your abdomen or over your bladder. Your surgeon will then stitch the urethra and nearby bladder neck to the lining of the pelvic bone or other nearby structures, by changing the location and angle of the urethra. Urine has less of a tendency to easily flow through under stress. As an alternative to open surgery laproscopic bladder suspension is sometimes performed. In a laproscopic procedure, a lighted scope, camera and small surgical instruments are inserted through tiny incisions in your abdomen. In a sling procedure, your surgeon will begin by making two small incisions, one in the vagina and one in the abdomen. The vaginal incision will expose the urethra and the nearby bladder. Watch the video to know more about Urinary incontinence.

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