[BRUTAL DIFFICULTY] Legacy of the Void - Whispers of Oblivion

Описание к видео [BRUTAL DIFFICULTY] Legacy of the Void - Whispers of Oblivion

I play through the preoder prologue missions of legacy of the void!!! What did you think of them? -- Watch live at   / wintergaming  

Make sure to subscribe to see all my guides, highlights and tips!
For reference to Guide Levels:
Beginner - New player to about platinum league
Advanced - More tailored to higher level players, but lower players might learn a bunch as well!

Terran Tutorial 1:    • Starcraft 2: Beginner Guides - Terran...  
Protoss Tutorial 1:    • Starcraft 2: Beginner Guides: Protoss...  
Zerg Tutorial 1:    • Starcraft 2: Beginner Guides - Zerg T...  

I am a Grandmasters Random player (the highest league in Sc2) and stream 6-7 nights a week, make sure to check it out!


Site: http://www.winter.gg/
Twitch:   / wintergaming  
Facebook:   / winterstarcraft  
Twitter:   / starcraftwinter  
Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/WinterSC/


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