DeLorean: the History of the company. How a playboy engineer destroyed his car company

Описание к видео DeLorean: the History of the company. How a playboy engineer destroyed his car company

Hello, time travelers, each of you remembers the legendary trilogy, Back to the Future. But who are we going to talk about today? Marty? Doc? Or the car?
Almost got it, my dear friend, the creator of the legendary muscle car. Do you know who that is? That's John Delorean - yes, yes, that's him! The creator of the legendary DeLorean DMC-12. And instead of this ride, a refrigerator could shine on TV screens, and every kid could feel like a traveler, but it was way too dangerous. And the director and the producer offered to take a real car, but not any car, but exactly the DeLorean DMC-12, thanks to which now we also learn about the life of a magnificent inventor.
John Delorean was born in 1925 in Detroit. Those were hard times... Especially for the family of John DeLorean, who, by the way, was the eldest son in his dysfunctional family. Why dysfunctional?
Could a family that fights and quarrels be happy?
No, of course not!
This is what led to the divorce in 1942, and after that Katherine Pribak, John's mother, went to California, while his father Zacharias Delorean began to sink into depression and serene drowning in alcohol.
Considering that John Delorean family were immigrants from Romania he didn't know English very well, besides he worked at Ford factory, video about which we have on our channel, and you know what? He wasn't very good at it. So he thought about it and decided he needed to study. And so... After public school, the boy entered a technical college, which he graduated with honors and received a scholarship to study at Lawrence Institute of Technology. The World War raged in Europe and John Delorean was drafted into the army, where he spent the next three years. Finally, the end of the war.... And miraculously, the soldier returned to Detroit, completed his education and entered Chrysler Institute, easily earning a master's degree in automotive engineering. And there it was -- the moment to start his professional career.


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