Spark the Electric Jester 3 - Freom Mk0

Описание к видео Spark the Electric Jester 3 - Freom Mk0

Fun boss LakeFeperd added in his second update to the game. Your energy will constantly drain, so Fark isn't too useful since he can't activate his charge healing. Float is great as a passive for that extra bit of damage and potentially hitting enemies from far away.

The boss fights themselves were pretty fun, Mk0 giving you multiple opportunities to parry and build up that energy for other attacks. He can be quite aggressive, but his attack patterns are simple. He'll always dash to your location for his first green slash, then slash two more times. You can parry his slashes to gain some energy and keep your combo meter up. He'll prepare another green slash attack after, which you can choose either to parry or interrupt with a light attack. He'll be vulnerable to combos if you choose to interrupt him or if you wait out his second set of green slashes.


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