Spray Pal vs Diaper Diamond! 💦 💎

Описание к видео Spray Pal vs Diaper Diamond! 💦 💎

Like this video review on the Spray Pal & Diaper Diamond? Don't miss out on more cloth diapering videos! S U B S C R I B E here,    / @mygreennest  

Get your own Diaper Diamond HERE! http://DiaperDiamond.com

S H O R T - V I D E O - D E S C R I P T I O N

Spray Pal or Diaper Diamond? In this short video I compare the pros & cons of the Spray Pal and the Diaper Diamond spray shields. They are cloth diapering accessories that help to contain water and fecal matter inside of your toilet bowl where it belongs!

L E T ' S - B E - F R I E N D S

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V I D E O - O V E R V I E W

A spray shield like the Spray Pal or Diaper Diamond are a cloth diapering accessory that you can use with a diaper sprayer. They help to contain water and fecal matter within the shield and toilet bowel, preventing messes and germs from spreading. They are not a necessity for cloth diapering but can help make the cleaning process a lot easier and more efficient.

Spray Pal was released on the market in August 2011 and has become one of the more popular spray shields. Some of the profit goes to charity. The Spray Pal is not completely made in the United States only part of it is. Spray Pal is owned by Jen Aprea and features a clip for securing your diapers along with collapsable sides that snap together. You can store your pal in a wet bag that they offer or next to your toilet in a bucket.

The Diaper Diamond was created by Bernadette Drew. Her patent was issued in May of 2013 and manufacturing was finished in February of 2015. Bernadette holds the first patent for the spray shield design. Her Diamond originally featured four clips which where then changed to slits that help to secure the gussets. The diaper diamond is the only spray shield on the market that pulls the gussets taught so you can get the completely clean without using your hands. It's a little smaller compared to the Spray Pal and folds out flat and can hang behind your toilet.

Out of the two I personally prefer the Diaper Diamond because of your option to stretch the gussets for deep cleaning. I also like the smaller size but I would prefer it even more if it also included a clip like the Spray Pal. However, it is very easy to add a clip to the Diaper Diamond yourself. I am not fond of the Spray Pal's clip because it sticks out, making it harder to slip a diaper underneath. I think the Spray Pal is just a little bit big to keep out and assembled but I do like the fact that you can fold it up and tote it around in its complimentary wet bag (Sold Seperately). The wet bag itself is durable and nicely designed but it would be even better if it hung from the center instead of the side so you avoid a tilt. For this reason I use the Spray Pals wet bag for diapers instead of storing the Spray Pal.

A spray shield is nice to have especially in the first 6 months when the baby poo is runny. You can continue to use the shield to clean dirty clothes if your baby or toddler has an accident.

Spray Pal
   • Spray Pal vs Diaper Diamond! 💦  💎  


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