Payday 2 | The Worlds Fastest Infamy Farming (Under 22 Minutes!)

Описание к видео Payday 2 | The Worlds Fastest Infamy Farming (Under 22 Minutes!)

16:27 In Game Time, 21:53 Real Time

From the grave an ancient but classic heist from the era of Chocolate and Lemonade rotations returns once again, to make our favorite modern rotations even faster, Election Day is back!

This rotation is a little different from our previous, sacrificing one Golden Grin Casino, for the much faster Election Day (Most of the time anyway...), in addition to a minor reordering of heists.

This rotation, that we have called Cheesecake (or Chi's Cake) is DS, HT, Hcat, FWB, DS, ED, FWB, HT, Hcat, GGC.

What happened was that, for some reason (much like Lemonade over a year ago), we made an error in the XP calculations when we made the previous rotation, Cupcake    • PD2 Infamy WR 17:15 IGT / 22:52 RT   , meaning we were only calculating for 58k of FWB's massive 60k base xp. We first adjusted some minor things like DS14 instead of 16, but that saved almost no time.

However, Chichi, like her usual cute and knowledgeable self, decided to rerun the numbers and found a couple more interesting options, namely, the idea of replacing a GGC (2;15-2;20) with an Election Day (1;40-2;10), and while the RNG is much more severe in Election Day, and in general its a harder heist, it was hard to argue with it always being faster.

However this meant that we needed to get one extra bag somewhere (or start with a stealth boost, but thats cringe!), in addition to doing DS18 for our second Diamond Store, which originally meant grabbing tea on Hcat, which is very easy... on problem though, on our first tests, they were both in the upstairs room, locked in by shutters...

Frustrated by the idea of getting paintings or wine    • Payday 2 Legends: Hostile Takeover's ...   on Hostile, or even worse, getting extra money on GGC, Bobbey apparently found a new method of obtaining the tea through the wall on Hcat, so I guess its no longer a problem and we just get tea regardless everytime!

All of this has come together to make this showcase of the new fastest infamy rotation. We didn't play perfect, and our RNG certainly wasn't spectacular, but it doesn't have to be. The rotation is just that good, and everyone deserves to see them as soon as they're made, gatekeeping is the enemy of speedrunning :D

Thank you so much to Chichi, Bob, Bobbey, Alkitgaming, Tama, Luna, Nim, Expo, Zombie, Difar, Galaxy, Jacko, Synnef, Agent, and Moviks for helping test and come up with all the strategies involved here! Once again this was a homegrown Bunny Zone rotation, with every heist involved built with love and cooperation in our server!


If you'd like to join our server, home of the Hyper Cat, Election Day Gold, Border Crossing, Diamond Store 0, FWB and GGC rushes, and every Co-op Infamy WR click here!   / discord  

We currently offer tutorials for all heists involved, as well as rotation lists and resources for everything you need to rush fast and grind to Infamy 100 before Payday 3!
We'll be coming up with video guides for all heists involved soon, as well as some renovations to our server for a new challenges and leaderboards system!

See you there soon!~


Music used:
Picture Perfect - Pascal Michael Stiefel
Peace and Tranquility - Pascal Michael Stiefel
Green Clean Station - Pascal Michael Stiefel
Dead Bird Studio - Pascal Michael Stiefel
Mafia of Cooks Time Rift - Pascal Michael Stiefel
Dead Bird Studio is Closed - Pascal Michael Stiefel
Mafia HQ - Pascal Michael Stiefel
Subcon Forest Time Rift - Pascal Michael Stiefel
Time Piece Released - Pascal Michael Stiefel


0:00 An introduction to Cheesecake!
0:32 The Adventure Begins! (Diamond Store 0 in 48 seconds)
1:47 Hostile Takeover in 1 minute and 10 seconds
3:29 Black Cat in 1 minute and 54 seconds
5:53 First World Bank (Good RNG) in 2 minutes and 14 seconds
8:42 Diamond Store (18 Bags) in 47 seconds
9:58 Election Day Day 1 in 26 seconds
10:47 Election Day Day 2 (+Gold) in 1 minute and 30 seconds (oopsie...)
12:40 First World Bank 2 (Bag RNG, scary!) in 2 minutes and 19 seconds!
15:52 Hostile Takeover 2 in 1 minute and 7 seconds
17:34 Black Cat 2 in 1 minute and 55 seconds
19:54 Golden Grin Casino in 2 minutes and 17 seconds
22:30 End screen, thanks for watching!

#payday2 #infamy #speedrun #fastestinfamyfarming


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