Session Authentication for Smart Accounts - Pedro Gomes, WalletConnect | Safe{CON} 2, Berlin 2024

Описание к видео Session Authentication for Smart Accounts - Pedro Gomes, WalletConnect | Safe{CON} 2, Berlin 2024

Pedro Gomes, co-founder of WalletConnect, discusses the concept of smart accounts and session authentication for wallets in web3. It explains the challenges and solutions for implementing smart accounts, including the use of standards and session keys.

💡 The shift to smart accounts in web3 requires rethinking session authentication for wallets.
💡 Smart accounts allow for multiple signers, delegated payments, and different curves.
💡 Standards like CIP 222, EIP 4337, and EIP 7579 are being developed to ensure consistency and compatibility among smart accounts.
💡 The concept of session keys offers a revolutionary way for dApps to sign transactions on behalf of users.
💡 Upgrading the EVM with standards like EIP 3074 and EIP 7212 can enhance the security and functionality of smart accounts.
💡 WalletConnect aims to abstract the complexities of connecting wallets to dApps, providing a seamless user experience.
💡 The ultimate goal is to achieve a wallet experience where users have less clicks and more control over their transactions.


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