OpenTEAM In-Depth - Remote Sensing Methods for Measuring Soil Organic Carbon at the Field Scale

Описание к видео OpenTEAM In-Depth - Remote Sensing Methods for Measuring Soil Organic Carbon at the Field Scale

Presenters: Sam Bennetts, Gisel Booman, & Sophia Leiker from ReGen Network

As innovation continues to drive improvements in soil sampling technologies, methods used to monitor ecosystem health are constantly changing. New methods to quantify soil carbon and other soil health indicators using remote sensing technologies have emerged. This presentation will give an overview of remote sensing technologies and provide an example of how they can be applied with Regen Network's remote sensing approach to quantify soil organic carbon using satellite imagery and minimum ground truth data. The presentation will be followed by a short Q&A around all things remote sensing. Join us!


Our goal with this in-depth webinar series is to build the knowledge base of the OpenTEAM community in a way that fosters coherence and collaboration so that we can better serve our diverse membership. We will feature new presenters each time within and outside of our community. Through this we hope to:

Illustrate and document the dynamic nature of our community in support of community strengthening and expansion.

Inspire and share new concepts and technologies that enable the emergence of new collaborations and technology approaches.

Themes include: Member or Partner Profiles, Tech Dives, High-level Tech Orientations, and Financing the Ag Data Commons.

Each presentation will last one hour with around 45 minutes for a presentation and 15 minutes for questions. All presentations will be recorded and posted on this channel.

We will let you know in advance who will be presenting and change the particular occurrence to include the name/organizational profile of the presenter.


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