The Fool in 5 Minutes

Описание к видео The Fool in 5 Minutes

The Fool Upright: The leap. The beginning of a great journey, courageously stepping into a new role or making a bold choice from a place of trust and confidence. Returning to your most authentic self. Moving forward, having all that you need. The knapsack is represents that you have all that you need, but also indicates that you may be leaving unnecessary “stuff” behind. The dog is doubt and fear nipping at your heels but you choosing to continue. Rose is passion, white is purity. The sun is shining. Yes, you are stepping off a cliff, but take the leap and the parachute will appear (perhaps it is in your knapsack?) Great creativity. To others, your choice/s may appear foolish. Spontaneity. Trust your gut.

The Fool Upright Best Course of Action: Do it. Take the leap. Step forward. Create. Follow your instincts. Ignore the judgements of others. Be spontaneous. Trust your gut and step forward.

The Fool Reversed: Not trusting your instincts, not listening to your gut. Engaging in obligatory behavior, doing the proper thing instead of the right thing. Can indicate recklessness and true foolishness. You or another behaving in a petulant, immature or foolhardy manner.

The Fool Reversed Best Course of Action: Time to be the grown up. Do not behave recklessly, do not take the leap, do not take the risk, the time is not right. Accept that societal responsibilities may be required of you, and you may need to tend to them before you are free. Plan your next move. Pragmatism, maturity, caution. Hold, wait, restrain yourself.


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