The Hard Sell

Описание к видео The Hard Sell

Advertising: the rattling of a stick in a swill-bucket? Welcome to the 200th edition of the show where the stick rattles back: The Hard Sell. Adverts from history, treated with the respect they deserve.

That's right, 200 episodes! Exhausting just to think about, and in many ways almost completely inexplicable, but that's how many we've got, and to celebrate, here's a mega-bumper hour-long forensic investigation of the adverts that ran on the first day of doomed breakfast station TV-am. Back when it was host to hour-long expies of Newsnight, uninterrupted interviews with Norman Tebbit, baffling petit-bourgeois live action cartoons and celebrity interviews so unenaging you just needed a glass of dry white wine and suddenly you were at some dull party in North London with a bunch of media types who didn't particularly want to be there any more than you did but at least unlike yourself knew who everyone was and what they were talking about. And for some reason they thought people would want to watch this! (They didn't.) Good etc, Britain!
  / applemask  


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