💥⏰ 6-7th Day past ovulation (DPO) in case of 🤰🏻Pregnancy! (Signs of Successful Conception!)

Описание к видео 💥⏰ 6-7th Day past ovulation (DPO) in case of 🤰🏻Pregnancy! (Signs of Successful Conception!)

If implantation of the embryo occurred at the 7th DPO (Day Past Ovulation), then the first signs of pregnancy will begin to appear: 

some small amount of blood may be in the discharge (for one day);
BBT (Basal Body Temperature) drops by 0.2-0.4 °C or 0.36–0.72 °F;
aching pain in lower abdomen or lower back; weakness and sensitivity to odors...

to the original aritcle - https://ovulationdiary.com/7th-dpo


❤️ All the necessary information on determining the most favorable time for conceiving on https://ovulationdiary.com


This article elaborates in detail on reasons for the absence of pregnancy - https://ovuliaciya.ru/ovulyaciya-i-ci...


8-14th DPO signs of early pregnancy - https://ovulationdiary.com/8-14-dpo-p...


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