Time Team S20-E07 Horseshoe Hall

Описание к видео Time Team S20-E07 Horseshoe Hall

Oakham Castle is the best preserved 12th-century building in Britain, but there's much more to it than meets the eye.

The walled area surrounding the castle is full of mysterious lumps and bumps crying out to be investigated.

The castle was once home to the Norman knight Walkelin de Ferrers, who fought alongside Richard the Lionheart in the Crusades. Before that, the same site was home to some of our most legendary Saxon kings and queens.

Time Team's task is to find out about the many buildings that would once have surrounded the castle, and they're particularly excited about the prospect of finding de Ferrers' long-lost private quarters.

Fascinating finds add to the big clues on the ground, but it takes the full three days of twists and turns to determine what Oakham looked like 900 years ago.

And to mark the visit, Tony casts a special giant Time Team horseshoe to add to the extraordinary collection of hundreds of shoes that have decorated the castle hall for 500 years.


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