How to Use an Arduino (Lesson #1)

Описание к видео How to Use an Arduino (Lesson #1)

Science Buddies Electronics Kit for Arduino:

Learning how to use an Arduino is a great way to get started with electronics and programming. This video series will guide you through setting up an Arduino, programming it, and building circuits so you have all the knowledge you need to do your own cool programming projects. See our complete playlist of Arduino tutorials here:    • How to Use an Arduino   and the Science Buddies website for cool science projects you can do with an Arduino:

0:00 intro
0:24 install the IDE
0:57 connect the USB cable
1:14 run the Blink example code
1:50 how does the code work?
3:45 try changing the code
4:47 what's next?

Science Buddies also hosts a library of instructions for over 1,500 other hands-on science projects, lesson plans, and fun activities for K-12 parents, students, and teachers! Visit us at to learn more.

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