Chania, Stalos, Crete, Greece 05-21& 22-2022

Описание к видео Chania, Stalos, Crete, Greece 05-21& 22-2022

I've been a little sick for the last few days, so we stayed home and I did some homemade cooking for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then on 05-21-2022 We went and looked at 3 houses. I liked 2 out of 3 but we have to go and look at some more places in Corfu, Parga, and Kassandra in Greece to make our final decision as where we want to reside. 😊 We will sadly leave Chania, Crete in 3 days and go to Corfu. Then yesterday 05-22-2022 we went and got an hour Massage at Bloomsdale Salon and then got ready and went to Gramboussa Restaurant for Late lunch with our new amazing friends and enjoyed so many different dishes of food. I hope you all enjoy watching our videos as I am trying to take u all on this journey with me. 😊❤


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