Long Biceps vs Short Biceps (IT MATTERS!)

Описание к видео Long Biceps vs Short Biceps (IT MATTERS!)

Do you have long biceps or short biceps? In this quick video you’ll learn the difference between the two and it can easily be determined by the number of fingers you can fit in the gap between the end of the biceps muscle and the forearm (when the arm is flexed at 90 degrees).

In general, there are two popular anatomical configurations of the biceps brachii.

Those with not much gap showing, able to fit only one finger at most, are noted for having very large arm size overall with a very full biceps muscle. At the same time, the amount of biceps peak that is visible in these types of arms is usually minimized.

On the other hand, when the gap widens and two fingers can be fit in the space when flexing the arm, this is known to be a shorter biceps. Here you may lack some of the fullness and width of the biceps brachii but will likely have more height and peak on the biceps.

In both cases, the visible development of the muscle is going to depend on you training the biceps appropriately.

Now that said, there is nothing that you will be able to do in training and your biceps workouts that is going to fix the gap in your biceps. This is entirely genetic and determined by the length of the tendons in relation to the muscle belly that gives the appearance of the gap. Nothing you do can add muscle to a tendon. That said, you can work to increase the height of your biceps peak.

This is determined once again largely through genetics but does also have the ability to be influenced by the developoment of the long head of the biceps. This outer head of the biceps, when trained, can grow giving the appearance of a taller biceps. Likewise, when training, it is possible to choose the proper exercises to more effectively influence this area of the arms.

These long head of the biceps exercises are ones that place the arm in a position behind the body since this places a great stretch on the long head prior to each rep. Biceps exercises like the drag curl, cable stretch curls and the incline dumbbell curl are all options for effectively hitting the long head. The incredible waiter’s curl is another that hits this area with more bias.

Regardless of what your biceps looks like right now, you can have an amazing looking set of arms when flexed if you put in the hard work and look to grow bigger biceps. Even the guy with the 5 finger gap shown in the video has worked to improve the size of his biceps and his hard work has paid off. Don’t let your genetics dictate whether your biceps hold back your overall physique aesthetics.

For more biceps training tips and bicep workouts you can do with limited time and equipment, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.

You can subscribe to this channel here - http://bit.ly/2b0coMW

For complete step-by-step workout programs, head on over to athleanx.com and make sure to use the program selector to find the training plan that is best suited to your personal goals.

Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).


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