Pottery Barrel Opening at Wayne Ngan Studio, 2024

Описание к видео Pottery Barrel Opening at Wayne Ngan Studio, 2024

Watch Gailan, Goya, Mia, Lindsay, and special guest Anne unpack one of Wayne's pottery-packed barrels on May 4th, 2024.

Wayne packed seven barrels of pottery for an exhibition overseas over 10 years ago. For reasons unknown, he decided not to send them. Until last spring, they had sat untouched in his studio. In May of 2023 we decided to open the first two barrels to see what was inside. It felt a little bit like a kiln opening! This year, we opened a third, and found many more treasures including some salt glaze, Hakeme, Yukon Black, wood fired pieces, and more.

The remainder of the barrels will be left in storage for now, to open at intervals over the next few years.


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