The Company's Unfair Tactics: From Warning to Dismissal

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The Company's Unfair Tactics: From Warning to Dismissal

Have you ever received a warning from your company, only to have them use it against you years later to dismiss you? It's important to know your rights in such situations!

Today we will discuss what you can do if you find yourself in this predicament. Don't let unfair tactics go unchallenged!

According to South African legal principles, a warning should typically have a time period associated with it. This means that if the time period has lapsed, it may be unfair for the company to use it against you.

Check your company's policy to see if it explicitly states the time period associated with warnings. If the policy supports your case, it strengthens your argument for fairness and protection of your rights.

Remember, you have rights as an employee. If you believe it's unfair for the company to use an old warning against you, gather evidence, consult legal professionals, and take appropriate action to defend your rights.

Stay informed about your rights! Follow us to learn more about South African labour laws, legal principles, and how to protect yourself in similar situations. We've got you covered!


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