
Описание к видео #HalloweenPartyDecks

I will come back and add all the prompts and decks, but I am going to have to sit in a bathtub full of ice water first. 🌞

   • What Decks Will you Choose? 🎃 #Hallow...  

The Prompts:
1. The Perfect Host: The deck that sets everything up perfectly for you in a read. Spirit Within Tarot by Steven Bright
2. Party Decor: The deck that is all about the aesthetic of Halloween for you! The Gothic Literature Tarot by Sirian Shadow
3. Comfort Food: The deck that always satisfies, leaving you feel good. Supernatural Tarot by Minerva Siegal and Matthew Skiff
4. Bobbing for apples: The deck that is hit or miss. Sometimes it's right on, and other times you are
left empty-handed! Goblins and Gardens Tarot by Jonathan William Sasha
5. Werewolf Costume: The deck that brings transformation Spirit Keeper's Tarot Revelation 2nd Edition by Benebell Wen
6. Vampire Costume: The deck that you can only do a few cards, lest you feel drained... Tiger Tarot by Lori Feild
7. Ghostly Apparition: The deck that disappears and shows up unexpectedly in your collection. Triomphe Della Luna by Patrick Valenza
8. Zombie Costume: Your deck in tatters. Nellie's Deck by Kelly Fitzgerald
9. Witchy Costume: Your favorite witchy deck. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tarot by Casey Gilly and Karl James Mountford
10. Blood and guts: The deck that cuts you to the core. Use at your own peril! The Stunning Tarot by Jonasa Jaus
11. Couples in Costume: The perfect pair of decks for the season Smoke Ash and Embers Tarot by Three Trees Tarot and Way of the Warrior Oracle by Benebell Wen
12. No costume: The no frills deck (someone always refuses to dress up. We love you anyway!) Sawyer's Path Tarot by Jamie Sawyer


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