Star Fox 64 Comparison - Nintendo 3DS Vs. Nintendo 64

Описание к видео Star Fox 64 Comparison - Nintendo 3DS Vs. Nintendo 64

Star Fox 64 Comparison between Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 64 version. Just the heads up (for those who new here) I uploaded the video of star fox comparison (individually) back in 2011 when Star Fox 64 3D was release. Sadly I had it to take it down on YouTube a few years later for a purpose reason. Since then a had a lot of people been asking me if I ever be able to re-upload the videos again and my most of my respond I either say "no, maybe, or I'm waiting for the right time". But I eventually decided to go ahead to give the old fans they want it since 2011. So I thank you guys for being patience for a long long time.

Introduction - 0:00:00

Training - 0:01:44

Corneria - 0:07:19

Meteo Asteroid Field - 0:13:54

Fichina (3DS)/Fortuna (N64) - 0:22:30

Sector X - 0:26:12

Macbeth - 0:33:38

Titania - 0:40:54

Bolse Defense Outpost - 0:46:31

Sector Y - 0:49:37

Aquas Ocean - 0:54:42

Katina - 1:01:55

Solar - 1:06:00

Zoness - 1:11:00

Sector Z - 1:16:59

Area 6 - 1:22:29

Venom 1 - 1:28:55

Venom 2 - 1:35:03

Ending - 1:41:47

Btw all background music come from all the Star Fox video games series and fewer ones from super smash bros. (Wii U).


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