Making a Wien Bridge Light Bulb Oscillator - DC to Daylight

Описание к видео Making a Wien Bridge Light Bulb Oscillator - DC to Daylight

In the early days of electronics, accurate and high performance test equipment was physically large and unruly. In 1942, the folks at Hewlett Packard solved this problem, and introduced their first product: the HP200A variable frequency oscillator. It utilized an incandescent light bulb as part of the feedback stabilization network in a Wien bridge oscillator.

In this episode, I wanted to explore the Wien bridge oscillator and light bulb as a solution for an extremely simple 1kHz oscillator. So let's put it together and do some measurements!

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#0:00 Welcome to DC to Daylight
#1:22 Wien Bridge Oscillator
#3:36 Frequency Domain
#5:02 Breadboard
#7:41 Give Your Feedback

#oscillators #oscillator #wienbridgeoscillator #totalharmonicdistortion #audiooscillator


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