Accept Interview with Wolf Hoffmann and Peter Baltes

Описание к видео Accept Interview with Wolf Hoffmann and Peter Baltes

Accept is ready to bring once again its Teutonic terror to Athens with yet another show that would be permanently engraved in everybody’s memory. A few hours before that, Wolf Hoffmann & Peter Baltes were kind enough to sit down with us for a wonderful interview. We paid them back with an equally wonderful view on the roof garden of Novotel Athenes where they were staying and…lots of sunshine!
Special thanks to Wolf and Peter for enduring the Greek sun on a hot afternoon, Gaby Hoffmann for setting up the interview, Georg Michael (sorry for waking you up, man!), Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou and Novotel Athenes for putting up with a true heavy metal situation on a very busy day! \m/

Check out the entire interview here:


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