Container Image Workflows at Scale with Buildpacks - Juan Bustamante & Aidan Delaney

Описание к видео Container Image Workflows at Scale with Buildpacks - Juan Bustamante & Aidan Delaney

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Container Image Workflows at Scale with Buildpacks - Juan Bustamante, Broadcom & Aidan Delaney, Bloomberg

Buildpacks transform source applications into images that run on any cloud. Each output image contains a full Software Bill of Materials which allows platform developers to know precisely what software is deployed. This makes them an excellent solution where a container runtime is provided to untrusted or semi-trusted development teams. There are wider use-cases where many application development teams share a common runtime, like Kuberenetes. In this talk we look at using Buildpacks to deploy web applications at scale, we consider batch processing in large workflows - particularly AI/machine learning workflows - and we look at an example Functions as a Service platform that uses Buildpacks.


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