Rapture Dream! I was left behind. 10/17/23

Описание к видео Rapture Dream! I was left behind. 10/17/23

Jesus loves you & so do I! 🌻

I just had a dream. Discern for sure! This is not to fear monger but to bring our eyes back on Jesus and get right with God. Everyday we live could be our last.

Instead of “did we live enough?” it should be “did we LOVE enough?”🤍
Let us not cast the first stone.🤍

Gods timing is absolutely perfect! The main message of This video is love more, judge less. It is God who judges the world. And to look at the speck of our own eyes first. For us who are in the church to hold one another accountable. To build one another up. For we are all sinners. May our eyes be on Jesus always. We all will give account to the Lord one day. There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. I encourage myself and others to reflect on ourselves and our walk with Jesus. Jesus loves you! And wants a relationship with you. 🤍


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