【逛吃廣州美食】廣州沙面!廣東勝利賓館飲茶!百年酒店歷史介紹!現做現炸傳統咸煎餅!意外驚喜!可能是廣州最好吃的傳統咸煎餅?Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

Описание к видео 【逛吃廣州美食】廣州沙面!廣東勝利賓館飲茶!百年酒店歷史介紹!現做現炸傳統咸煎餅!意外驚喜!可能是廣州最好吃的傳統咸煎餅?Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

#美食 #廣州 #guangzhou #廣州漫步 #廣州美食 #探店

Google map:https://maps.app.goo.gl/f1nkQFexvzFmg...
Baidu map:https://j.map.baidu.com/97/QUz
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵1號線黃沙站 F出口
餐廳消費:勝利蝦餃皇¥39 清香荷葉飯¥33 沙基艇仔粥¥33 德昌咸煎餅¥18 茶位2人¥30
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廣東勝利賓館 :


沙面島舊稱拾翠洲、中流沙,是中國廣東省廣州市荔灣區內的一座島嶼,位於西關六二三路的對岸,白鵝潭北部,是珠江上的一個人工小島,與廣州珠江 北岸隔沙基湧相望,面積約0.3平方公里。
1860年第二次鴉片戰爭前後,英法兩國在廣州河南首次選點建立租界。 1843年在廣州,英國原預想租用十三行對岸河南的數十畝田地,時清廷並無異議,而地方鄉紳「會齊四十八鄉,集約二千餘人」大肆反對徵地,英方同意放棄 選擇。 直到1859年7月,正式與法國共同由清廷政府處租獲沙面。
其改選這塊珠江中的小沙洲(距離清朝閉關鎖國時期中國唯一的外貿區「廣東十三行」相當近)作為租界地址後,填築成島,並於1861年簽訂租約。 島上西部4/5劃為廣州英租界,約44英畝(264英畝),東部1/5劃為廣州法租界,約11英畝(66公畝)。 每畝年繳地租1500制錢,中國政府放棄對沙面的一切權利。 英法租界各有一橋與廣州河北(華界)相通。

Victor Hotel:
Originally, it was the guesthouse of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government after the establishment of New China in 1949.
In June 1957, it was officially named "Guangdong Victor Hotel," with the calligraphy inscribed by Guo Moruo.
After the reconstruction in 1993 and the renovation in 2014, it has become the appearance we see today.

The East Building of Victor Hotel was formerly the first English-style hotel opened by the British in Guangzhou, known as the Victoria Hotel.
The West Building of Victor Hotel was formerly the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) building, constructed in 1920.

Shamian Island:
Shamian Island, formerly known as Shicuizhou and Zhongliusha, is an island in Liwan District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China. It is located on the opposite bank of Xiguan 623rd Road and north of Baietan. It is an artificial island on the Pearl River, close to the Pearl River in Guangzhou. The north bank faces each other across Shajiyong, covering an area of about 0.3 square kilometers.
Around the time of the Second Opium War in 1860, Britain and France first selected sites in Guangzhou and Henan to establish concessions. In Guangzhou in 1843, the British originally planned to lease dozens of acres of land across Henan from the Thirteenth Line. The Qing court had no objections. However, the local gentry "gathered together in Forty-eight Townships and gathered more than 2,000 people" vigorously opposed the land acquisition, and the British agreed to give up. choose. It was not until July 1859 that Shamian was officially leased from the Qing government together with France.


00:00 Intro
00:08 地鐵站到餐廳路線
02:03 西樓歷史
02:57 東樓歷史
05:20 廣東勝利賓館西關粵中餐廳
06:05 菜單
08:25 品嚐菜式
15:14 Ending

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