Pear Jam: a Clark Family favorite!

Описание к видео Pear Jam: a Clark Family favorite!

(update: Well, I had to make two more batches of this! One of my former students dropped by with a couple of friends. I gave them fresh bread and pear jam and she grabbed the pint jar and said "I'm taking this!" I'm telling you, it's an addiction! )So I'm a Fiechter by name, but by heritage, I'm a Clark! Fiechters eat regular jams--doubt they venture past strawberry. But we Clarks ate: currant jelly, crab apple jelly, currant raspberry jelly, ground cherry jam, blackberry jelly, strawberry rhubarb jam--AND this delectable pear jam. I make several batches and freeze them so that there is no fighting over jars between my nieces, nephews, and siblings when they come back to Indiana in the summer.

If you watched my grape jelly video, you should be familiar with the process of jam making using powdered pectin.

Pears are a pain to peel, so the prep is a bit more time consuming than with other fruits like peaches or strawberries. But the jam is delicious! We have our nicer pears (you'll see them at the end of the video) that I will be using to can pears in another week or two.

#pear #jelly #preserves #blender


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