RoboCop Rogue City - How well does it run on (Laptop) RTX 4080? (MAXED OUT 4K+HDR)

Описание к видео RoboCop Rogue City - How well does it run on (Laptop) RTX 4080? (MAXED OUT 4K+HDR)

I had my eyes on this game for quite a while as a big fan of the original movies.
Must have seen each one at least 10 times.

But I always wait for at least 75% discount on any game that I will ever buy, since I know the chances of me actually playing it more than once is almost zero, and the fact that I usually don't get to play the game for months on after the purchase anyway due to lack of time in general, makes no sense for me to pay full price there and then,ever.

But, this game I have waited long enough for already and through my work I get often "gift" money that I only use for games (so it feels like I never spend my own money anyway) and I took the plunge at 45% discount for this game, since I found myself having bit of extra time as well and knew that I want to play it (and can) straight away.

I wasn't disappointed. The game is pretty much as good as it gets.
Its true to the movies, some main characters are exactly as they were in movies,
the dark humor is on point (no doubt later inspired Fallout franchise), same goes for
over the top violence. Voice acting was done by the original actors too. (at least it sounds like)


BUT, I couldn't help but notice there are multiple performance bugs involved, game crashing etc. on top of what is probably the most DEMANDING game on market that I played yet.
The Microsoft Flying Simulator is finally being dethroned as the most demanding PC game EVER.
Is it justifiable? Graphic are great, but not that great to run like this. The game is obviously not
optimized in any shape or form and there were lot of angry people in the comments section of the game (on steam) when it come to performance alone. The game is great!

The only thing that literally bothered me was that the bodies (and thus the aftermath) vanishes literally instantly as soon as you're not looking at it anymore, leaving only blood pools.
I guess that would have taken off even more performance, that they already had issue with, but there is NO reason to at least make it an option in settings of the game - especially when they should keep in mind future computers.

Now, that being said, both of those games have DLSS "option" that makes some difference to MS Flight Simulator, but massive difference to Robocop.

At first, I was frustrated with what looked like ~22 - 45fps (i couldn't care to actually find out) rather choppy experience, but as soon as I turned ON the very basic DLSS with maxed out quality and no reducement in resolution (else, what is the point?) it jumped to what looked like pretty consistent 60fps. More than playable.

You can judge on your own how well it seems to be running.

Enjoy the whole first mission :)


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