Welcome at Yeunten Ling, Tibetan institute in Huy (Belgium)

Описание к видео Welcome at Yeunten Ling, Tibetan institute in Huy (Belgium)

Welcome at the Tibetan Centre Yeunten Ling in Huy nearby Liege (Belgium). You see H.H. Dalai Lama visiting the centre for the 4th time in 2006 and the new temple still under construction, but now in 2010 it is finished!

Would you like to have a guided tour some time? Or follow a teaching? They are translated into French & Dutch, but on upfront request also in English & German.

Look at www.tibetan-institute.org for more information. If you live in the neighbourhood of Maastricht, you can also subscribe for a free E-newsletter of Tibetaans Boeddhisme Limburg at www.tibetaans-boeddhisme.eu


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