The Evillious Chronicles Part 2: The Seven Deadly Sins in 5 Minutes or Less 2

Описание к видео The Evillious Chronicles Part 2: The Seven Deadly Sins in 5 Minutes or Less 2

Known errors in the video:

Technically, Karchess was already investigating the disappearances, but Yufina was his big motivator.

Carlos used the Venom Sword to change his appearance as well as his name.

Leonhard did not kill the ENTIRE royal family, just one part of it, as Beelzenia still has an emperor during Daughter of Evil.

Riliane started becoming gluttonous after being possessed by Banica at the beach. She was given the mirror after Alexiel was pronounced dead, and was possessed by the demon of pride.

Margarita did not create gift, she taught how to create an already existing version of it (the 3rd gift). This version was already airborn. She just made it more potent.

Kayo's son was not the reincarnation of Allen. The image of the person I used was, and Kayo treats him like her son.

I mispoke. Allen never tried to kill Riliane. The line should have been "...he doesn't try to go see Riliane after that."

Gallarian is not Kayo's son. He's MA's son. MA was in Kayo's body by this time.

Nemesis never met Gallarian in court. She received a letter containing the offer.

There were more justified reasons for the people killing Gallarian, and I focused on Nemesis' part. Gallarian was completely corrupt and did things for money. He had a selfless reason for doing so (he wanted to bring his daughter back to life), but he ruined a lot of people in the process.

So... yeah. Mistakes. They happen.

Anyway, I actually learned a lot from making this video, and am now even more knowledgeable than I was in the previous video. It was also a lot of fun to make. A lot of fun... and a lot of hard work. I burned out twice while making this one, but it was well worth it!
I hope you enjoyed!

Check out my twitter @Katar_Vamir!

Note: I do not own the Evillious Chronicles or anything related to them. Only my voice.

For people who want the script for any reason, here it is!:


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