Level Maker - Anachronism (ID: 2651385) by SpaceBird (me) Full Showcase

Описание к видео Level Maker - Anachronism (ID: 2651385) by SpaceBird (me) Full Showcase

This is a showcase of my level "Anachronism" Facts about this level are further down in the dscription.

Anachronism is my first modern level in Level Maker. I spent a very long time creating and updating it to make it fun, challenging, bugless, and good-looking.

Anachronism is (I believe) overall, a very cool level.

I might update this level to make it longer/even better, so this showcase might be outdated after a while.

The level ID is 2651385 if you are interested in playing it!

Your first time playing this level might take 5-10 minutes since you have to learn the tricks, but I tried my best to make this showcase short and enjoyable to watch!


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