Can Permaculture Reverse Climate Chaos?

Описание к видео Can Permaculture Reverse Climate Chaos?

Maddy Harland gives a picture of how climate chaos is already affecting us all. She explores why permaculture can help us understand how systems work and why their emergent properties can create evolutionary behaviours that could change our culture from one of destruction to regeneration.

Maddy then explains why permaculture is an effective way of building biodiversity, producing resilient crops and reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by locking large amounts of carbon into the soil and plants. She describes two examples, her forest garden and a small permaculture farm.

She describes how Brian von Herzen's Marine Permaculture Arrays can restore ocean ecologies, grow kelp as a multi-yielding crop and sequester carbon deep on the sea bed.

Climate news is unbelievably gloomy but we mustn't forget that we also have solutions. Let's hope that the world is able to implement them in time.

See Maddy's book Fertile Edges: Regenerating Land, Culture & Hope

For more on permaculture visit:

Filmed at the Permaculture Association's annual convergence in September 2019. For more information see


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