Reignited Tensions!

Описание к видео Reignited Tensions!

As the galaxy was being cleansed of the Blackspawn Virus, Jedi Master Tyria Sarkin-Tanner and her Son Jedi Knight Doran Sarkin-Tanner would soon arrive on the world of Rhommamool. After learning the re-emergence of a faction who allied the Yuuzhan Vong during the conquest, the Red Knights of Life who had once again begun to stir old xenophobic hostilities against off-worlders particularly Humans and their "Droid Overlords". Soon after arriving, a peaceful rally is hijacked who soon rally their supporters and soon angry mob of Rhommamoolians began to descend on the Human Community, a Small Droid community and the temporary headquarters of the Iron Knights soon Mother and Son became embroiled in an old war as the planet became battlefield for reignited tensions. Hope you guys enjoyed the Short!!/tid=...


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