The Seal Lullaby (Eric Whitacre) - National Taiwan University Chorus

Описание к видео The Seal Lullaby (Eric Whitacre) - National Taiwan University Chorus

Performed on 2017/02/16, Taipei, Taiwan
Conductor:Fang-Pei Tracy Lien 連芳貝
Pianist:Hsin-Jung Hsieh 謝欣容
Composer:Eric Whitacre
Poem: Rudyard Kipling

〈海豹搖籃曲〉為吉卜林的童話 The White Seal《白海豹》開頭的一段歌謠,是主角白海豹科迪克的母親哄他入睡時所唱的搖籃曲。本曲以溫柔的輕哼揭開序幕,而後女聲帶入主題,輕柔地唱出母親哄著孩子的柔聲呢喃,之後男聲加入,和聲亦隨之開展,描繪出夜晚寧靜而美麗的海面。中段由男低音引領,沉穩的低音似平靜的汪洋,隨後各聲部有如層層海浪般依序進入,營造出不同的層次感。末段主題再現,以鋼琴輕柔的琴音展現,合唱則以輕柔甜美的呢喃聲呼應著,孩子安然入夢,母親悄然停止了歌唱,全曲結束於柔和的輕哼之中。

Oh! Hush thee, my baby,
The night is behind us,
And black are the waters that sparkled so green.

The moon, o’er the combers,
Looks downward to find us,
At rest in the hollows that rustle between.

Where billow meets billow,
There soft be thy pillow;
Ah weary flipperling, curl at thy ease!

The storm shall not wake thee,
Nor shark overtake thee,
Asleep in the arms of the slow swinging seas!

National Taiwan University Chorus 台大合唱團
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