Deluxe Alien Astronaut Balloon Twisting Lesson!

Описание к видео Deluxe Alien Astronaut Balloon Twisting Lesson!

Welcome to the 2nd video in my "Alien Astronauts" series, featuring the Deluxe Alien Astronaut! This lesson builds off of techniques demonstrated in the previous entry    • Alien Astronaut Balloon Twisting Lesson   which features a much simpler line work spaceman.
You will need quite a few balloons to make this model, including:
•3X neon blue (or your color choice)
•2X sapphire blue (or other)
•1X 5" round clear
•1X 5" round alien head
•1X 260 lime green
•1X 260 silver (or grey)
•2X 160 silver (or grey)
•2X 160 lime green
•1X 350 black (or white)
Please rate, comment, and sUbScRiBe!
Also, check out my balloon art pals Tanya and Ron @
   / askmeforaballoon  


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