My Heavy Duty Ram Pump

Описание к видео My Heavy Duty Ram Pump

I am Rehmat Ullah Kundi. This video shows My Heavy Duty Version of RAM Pump. You may have seen my demo model titled "My First Ram Pump". This pump also has intake pipe dia of 1.5 in and out let pipe dia of ¾ in. This pump is specially built for remote hilly areas. The escape valve and check valve are specially designed to withstand all type of stresses. The escape valve has heavy metal disc on top. It serves two purposes. It acts as stabilizer and is also used to adjust the stroke length.
Performance Date:
Intake Pipe Dia: 1.5 inch
Output Pipe Dia: 0.75 inch
Intake Drive Head: 7 ft
Delivery at various heights above RAM Pump:
Height (ft) Output(Liters/min)
20 6.20
40 3.40
50 2.4

For more information email me at [email protected]


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