LGBTQ+ Tik Toks to watch while eradicating homophobia and transphobia

Описание к видео LGBTQ+ Tik Toks to watch while eradicating homophobia and transphobia

Hey all, I realize it’s been a while since I wrote anything about myself in one of these descriptions. Hi, my name is Robin. I am trans mtf and pansexual. I am still completely closeted to my family, but I have come out as pan to some of my friends. I want to get to know you all better while you get to know me better so feel free to answer this in the comments. What is your favorite tv show? Mine is a show called The Boys. I’m not going to get into it but it is amazing go watch it. (If you’re old enough it is a very adult show)

I’m going to start putting this in all my videos but if you are ever feeling down and just need someone to talk and listen you can always message me on Instagram. My @ is gremlinsunitedofficial
I’ll also give any advice I feel I can give.

As always be safe. Remember to eat and hydrate. Remember to bind safely if you are binding. And if you are tucking or considering it please do it safely and not for extended periods of time. It can be dangerous just like binding can be. If you are taking any medication, please remember to take it. And most importantly, remember you are loved and valid. I love you all! ❤️❤️❤️


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